Heroin Possession Laws in Washington
Any drug crime in the state of Washington is a violation of the Uniform Controlled Substance Act, also referred to as a VUCSA. Some crimes, however, are more serious than others. The seriousness of a crime depends on many factors such as the amount of drug that is involved, the circumstances surrounding the offense and the type of drug involved.
Offenses involving narcotic drugs such as heroin can lead to some of the most serious charges. According to Washington law RCW 69.50.204(b), heroin is a Schedule I drug. Schedule I drugs are some of the most addicting substances and can lead to the steepest penalties. Heroin is a serious concern in the United States. According to a 2013 report by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA),the amount of heroin seized increased by 232% from 2008 to 2010. Partly, this is because law enforcement believes that those addicted to prescription medications have begun to move on to heroin because it is cheaper and stronger than obtaining prescription drugs. Also, they have noticed that users have become addicted to the drug at younger and younger ages. For these reasons, police are always on the lookout for signs of heroin abuse or distribution.
If you have been arrested for a VUCSA crime involving heroin, it is vital that you call a Seattle defense law. Most of these offenses are charged as felonies and can result in steep fines and long prison sentences. Attorney Steve Karimi is dedicated to helping his clients fight their charges and get the results that they need.
Penalties for Seattle Heroin Crimes
Because of its addictive nature and its growing popularity, lawmakers look to punish heroin VUCSA offenders to the fullest extent possible. Most drug crimes in Washington are felony offenses including all heroin possession related offenses. In Seattle, possession of even a small amount of heroin is a felony crime. Even the usable residue in paraphernalia can lead to a felony offense. In addition, anything over 2 kg will result in steeper fines. For this reason, it is important that you fully understand your charges and the penalties that you face.
According to RCW 69.50.401, the penalties for possession, delivery, possession with intent to manufacture or deliver heroin include the following are the most serious heroin-related offenses. Under the law, the following penalties apply to these crimes:
- Class B felony charges
- If the offense involved less than 2 Kg of the drug:
- A maximum jail sentence of 10 years OR
- A maximum fine of $25,000 OR
- A combination of both punishments
- If the offense involved 2 Kg of the drug or more:
- A maximum jail sentence of 10 years OR
- A maximum fine of $100,000 plus an additional $50 for every Kg over the initial two OR
- A combination of both punishments
Charges for distribution are also felonies but are not as serious as other heroin crimes. Under RCW 69.5.403, a person who intentionally distributes heroin can face the following penalties:
- Class C felony charges
- A maximum of two years in jail time OR
- A maximum of $2,000 in fines OR
- A combination of jail time and fines
In addition to the fines and jail time, a person convicted of a heroin VUCSA crime will also have the penalty of being a convicted felon for the rest of their life. A felony conviction will show up in background checks performed by potential employers and school admissions boards. It could even make it hard to find affordable housing. If personal property or money is believed to be related to the crime, police can seize your assets and force you to forfeit your property. Anyone charged with a heroin crime in Seattle should speak to an attorney right away. The only way to avoid these penalties is to fight the charges and avoid a conviction. Attorney Steve Karimi can help you build your defense.
Call a Heroin Defense Lawyer
According to the DEA, heroin overdoses are a growing problem in the Country. In some cities, for example, the overdose rate has so much as tripled from 2010 to 2011. As a result of this trend, law enforcement work to enforce heroin laws and make arrests. Any person found with heroin could be charged with a felony offense and face up to 10 years in prison. If you have been accused of heroin possession in Seattle, contact our office right away. VUCSA defense attorney Steve Karimi is a former prosecutor who knows how to build the strongest defenses. Every day, he works hard to get his clients the best possible results. Contact us now to set up a free consultation and you can meet with attorney Karimi in a relaxed environment and review your case. Call The Law Offices of Steve Karimi now to get started fighting for you.