Virginia Ward, a former judge in Salt Lake City, plead guilty to a charge of picking up 2 packages of Oxytocin to deliver to her dealer. She was initially charged with two counts of drug possession, but one was dropped in exchange for her guilty plea. Drug possession is a felony crime and can result in serious penalties. In order to make sure that you get the best results possible, contact a Seattle drug possession attorney as soon as you are arrested for any type of drug charge in Washington.
Ms. Ward will not be sentenced until November, but she could face up to 15 years in prison. If she had been found guilty in both of her initial charges, she could have faced a 30 year sentence. Many people find it ironic that a judge has now found herself on the other side of the law, but it really just serves as a reminder that anyone call be arrested for drug charges. It should also be noted that even a person with a good reputation can be charged with felony drug crimes and be faced with a serious sentence. Just because it is a first time offense and she was not charged with actually selling or consuming the drugs does not mean that the charges are minor.
If you or a loved one are facing drug possession charges in Washington, call a Seattle drug crimes defense attorney right away for help. A defense strategy can be developed for virtually every situation and there is always something that an experienced Seattle drug lawyer can do to help. Even if you want to plead guilty, an attorney can help you get a better deal like in Ms. Ward's case. She was charged with 2 counts of drug possession but her drug possession attorney worked with the prosecution to get her charges cut in half.
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